High quality, worthwhile investment
Smart Technology
The intelligent Fronius inverters ensure that electricity from photovoltaic systems can be used particularly efficiently.
75 years of experience
More than seven decades ago, Günter Fronius founded the family-owned enterprise. Now the team is made up of 5,000+ people, and together they are driving forward the energy revolution.
Made in Austria
Fronius quality has always been produced in Austria. Sustainable production is particularly important to us.
The Fronius Primo in power categories from 3.0 to 8.2 kW perfectly completes the SnapINverter generation. This single-phase, transformerless device is the ideal inverter for private households.
With power categories ranging from 3.0 to 20.0 kW, the transformerless Fronius Symo is the three-phase inverter for systems of every size. Owing to the SuperFlex Design, the Fronius Symo is the perfect answer to irregularly shaped or multi-oriented roofs.